The Goods: Sole Sustainability
14 October, 2022
Have you ever thought about what happens to your car’s tyres every time you need to get them replaced? Six tyres reach the end of their usable life every second in Europe. At the end of this usable life, they are often abandoned to landfill or to nature, where they will continue to release microplastics to the environment for hundreds of years. Sneaker brand O.T.A (On The Asphalt) are taking up the challenge of creating a circular economy for this little considered waste product by giving old tyres a sustainably stylish new life as sneakers.
O.T.A is a French brand producing sustainable shoes with soles made from recycled tyres and rubber. Not only does this benefit the planet, it also means the shoes are highly durable (almost indestructible), proven through rigorous testing of the shoes by the brand, meaning they’ll last you for years. Another selling point: every sneaker has a unique history.
On top of producing their shoes soles from recycled materials, O.T.A are taking an innovative approach to the other materials in their shoes, such as through their collaboration with Sushi Shop to upcycle discarded fish skins into salmon leather. If this doesn’t appeal to you, O.T.A also offer a vegan leather option, made from 100% recycled materials. They really do cover all bases.
If you’re looking to walk the walk on sustainability, these are the shoes for you.
By Lucy Bell