On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

behaviour change

If you want to change the world and make it stick, you need to change the behaviours and norms people bring to their everyday lives.

Driving societal transformation means getting people to change their behaviour – what they buy, how they eat and drink and move, what they talk about and engage with and share.

That is really, really hard. We’ve learned never to underestimate the pulling power of the status quo. Our approach to delivering behaviour change builds from this truth.

We start with the person, using deep research and social listening to immerse ourselves in what really matters to them. From here we can identify the most effective levers of change and the cultural platforms that can bring them to life.

Products and Tools

Formative research

Start with the person not the issue. That means beginning with research that fills out the context of your target audience in 360 degrees. We design research that blends methodologies to give us a complete view of people’s lives and the levers for change.

Theory of change

We explain the real-life mechanics of change, rather than just linking activities to intended outcomes with arrows. All of our own behaviour change programmes are held together by a simple theory of change and we help other organisations develop and implement them too.

Models and techniques

Whatever your behaviour change challenge, we design an approach that integrates the models and techniques from behavioural science and commercial marketing that will help drive impact over time. Rather than being slaves to the science we co-opt it to the specific goal and context, to create long-lasting impact.

Measurement and evaluation

We design and deliver M&E frameworks that are fit for purpose – proportionate in scale and cost to the intervention, built explicitly around the programme’s Theory of Change, and designed to work with human nature rather than wish it away. We provide decision makers with meaningful data to help them move forward.

Examples of our work