Casting the net more widely
10 April, 2020
One of the industries in the UK that has been negatively affected by the fishing industry. And it needs our help to survive the crisis.
Much of the fish that is caught was, until a month or so ago, either exported to mainland Europe and Asia, or sold to the restaurant sector. Now, both of those outlets are closed and the industry is reliant on what we eat at home.
This is not a plea to rush out and buy more fish. Instead, it is a pleas to buy different fish. The Marine Conservation Society is urging us to be more mindful about the sustainability of the species of fish we choose to buy, now more than ever.
By buying less popular species of fish (such as crab, hake, mackerel, dab and herring), we can support local fishing businesses, whilst providing some respite to species that are more at risk of being wiped out due to overfishing to meet demand.
Many restaurants suppliers that are currently unable to sell to their usual customers are changing tack to sell directly to consumers instead. They are offering restaurant-quality seafood at reasonable prices, which gives people the chance to try something new, whilst reducing their carbon footprint and supporting local businesses.
So why not try something new like a herring or dab recipe this bank holiday weekend? And, for more ways to help the oceans from your kitchen, see the Marine Stewardship Council’s guide here. Sardine masala, anyone?