Good Business book club: The Sustainable Business Handbook
11 March, 2022
For large companies, with access to teams and resources, implementing and embedding sustainability can feel like an uphill struggle (although we’re here, and ready to help with that!). For smaller organisations, it can be overwhelming. The business benefits of operating sustainability are wide ranging, from the cost savings associated with a lower carbon footprint to attracting and retaining talent and opening up new markets, but getting out of the starting blocks is a challenge.
There is no shortage of resources available but sometimes that’s the problem – where to start, what to prioritise and how to make it happen? Help is at hand, with The Sustainable Business Handbook from sustainability gurus David Grayson, Chris Coulter and Mark Lee. The manual cuts out a lot of the theory and debate around sustainability and gets straight to answering the question “how do we do this?” by providing tools, tips and checklists for management teams.
The scope is wide ranging, from establishing and embedding purpose and conducting materiality assessments through to communicating it to the outside world. Each chapter explains why the issue under discussion matters, what to do about it, and provides an action checklist and further reading.
Even the most seasoned sustainability professional will find something useful here. And for those wanting to take the plunge there’s no better place to start. It’s available in all good bookshops or direct from the publisher where there’s 20% off with the code FBM20 for Friday 5 readers.
By Claire Jost