On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

Our thinking

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Rate your plate

11 February, 2022

Food makes the world go round, but we need to tap into some honest conversations about the problems of the food system and what we can do to limit our impact.  

Recently, we’ve noticed an influx of articles nudging us towards plant-based meal choices and planet-friendly plates. We’ve been talking about this for years, but the plant-based revolution is picking up pace.  A shift towards sustainable food consumption is needed to improve our health and save our planet, but is it easier said than done?  

No, and this is where One Planet Plate come in! Devised by our friends at the Sustainable Restaurant Association, One Planet Plate serves up a directory of recipes and restaurant dishes that are building better food futures. They highlight the stark fact that more than one third of all human-made greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the food system; motivating them to drive necessary change through a number of responses.  

One Planet Plate embraces local produce, more veg, lowering carbon-footprint, sustainably sourced seafood and minimising waste. These issues are all considered when a dish is added to their directory and conveniently, they have a nifty tool that filters which issue you would like your dish to tackle and where to order it.  

If you fancy yourself as a home cook, their huge range of recipes is a must-try. Otherwise, consider a sustainable dining out experience by choosing a dish from one of the carefully selected restaurants. It’s a win win – reducing the climate impact of your plate and enjoying a delicious, chef-inspired meal at the same time. 

One Planet Plate is the start of something new. We hope it spurs a chain reaction that popularises sustainable meals that promise progressive change.  

By Bertie Bateman

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