The Goods: drink responsibly
5 April, 2024
Don’t worry, we’re not telling you how much to drink over the weekend. This is about the packaging. The Drinks Business claims that half of the carbon footprint of a bottle of wine comes from its bottle. As a result, more brands are innovating to produce more efficient packaging. Unfortunately, wine in bottle alternatives is usually associated with lower quality contents. We’re here to help.
It’s not an easy task thinking about packaging – do you focus on recyclability, energy in production or weight for transport? Well preferably all three, and more. And is recyclable screwcap better than natural cork? Spoiler – there’s no consensus. However, looking at the bottle itself, there is a lot to gain from exploring alternatives to glass.
If you fancy a Baileys, check out the new aluminium bottle which is five times lighter than traditional glass. Unfortunately, it’s currently only available in airport lounges which means the carbon saving impact of your purchase is going to be dwarfed by the impact of your journey, but if the trial works, we hope to see it in stores soon.
Closer to home, Frugalpac has brought the paper wine bottle into our stores. The bottle is made 94% from recycled paperboard, with a food grade plastic pouch. It is five times lighter than a glass bottle and uses up to 77% less plastic than a plastic bottle. Sold? The When in Rome range is available at Sainsburys and Ocado, although judging by the Ocado reviews there’s still work to do on communicating the eco credentials!
By Anna Heis