On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

Our thinking

We regularly share our latest thinking on emerging topics and ideas in the worlds of business, society and the environment, along with our weekly sustainability digest, Friday 5.

Kyle Hanson


20 March, 2020

Offices around the world have emptied out and we’re getting used to the new normal of being a virtual team. 

One of the things we’ve enjoyed is seeing our working interactions become a little more human. It’s difficult not to let your guard down a little more and take delight in your client’s dog popping up on the video call or when you’re briefly interrupted by your colleague’s two-year-old making playdoh wiggly worms on the morning call.

We’re asking how people are, and really meaning it. That’s a change we hope will stick into the future, whatever the future looks like. And while the closure of schools has made working from home difficult and the kitchen table doesn’t make the best office, there have been a few perks too – a less stressful commute, wearing whatever you fancy (from the waist down at least), and maybe even a lunchtime nap if that’s what is needed to get through the day.

It’s no replacement for real face-to-face interaction, of course. We’re much better together and a sudden change in the level of social contact is a challenge. But remembering to talk, be kind and check in on people makes the challenge that bit easier, ‘at work’ and otherwise. See you later at virtual Friday drinks!

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