On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

Our thinking

We regularly share our latest thinking on emerging topics and ideas in the worlds of business, society and the environment, along with our weekly sustainability digest, Friday 5.

Bringing the ‘Goods’

18 June, 2021

This week, we are launching a new regular slot, where we recommend inspiring and eye-catching new products and services that put sustainability and purpose at the heart of what they do. ‘Goods’, if you will.  

As a consumer, it’s hard to cut through the sustainability promises and make sense of what good really looks like. A gazillion different certifications exist. And what about packaging, and ingredients, and labour standards, and so on? How do we, as consumers, know whether brands really are putting their money where their mouths are, or are just good at greenwashing? 

We’re here to help you decide which products actually do what they say on the tin in terms of sustainability. So, without further ado, allow us to deliver the Goods… 

We often give editorial space to purpose-led beer company, Brewdog (and this week is no exception) but one of our favourite beer brands is Toast Ale. Toast’s business model was designed to revolve around food waste, so sustainability is at its core.  

In the UK, 50 million loaves of bread are discarded every year – and those are just from the crusts! Roughly 44% of all bread produced is thrown away instead of eaten. Toast seizes this wasted opportunity by using surplus bread to make its beers, rather than growing new barley, thereby avoiding waste and saving precious resources at the same time. 

What’s more, Toast is a true social enterprise: it donates 100% of its profits to food waste charities, providing a sustainable source of income for a charitable cause. They’ve even donated one meal per beer sold to people in need throughout the pandemic and are a fellow B-Corp. What’s not to like?  

Head over to their website to find out more and help tackle food waste, one beer at a time, and stay tuned for next week’s recommendation. 

By Cara McEvoy

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