Carbon food-print
24 February, 2020
Some people eat to live. We are not those people.
As an office of foodies in the heart of Soho, food is always on our minds, and for good reason too. Our food system contributes approximately one-third of all GHG emissions annually, predominantly due to agricultural practices, land-use change and livestock production – and what we choose to eat can have a significant impact on our carbon footprint. The restaurant industry has indisputable influence over our dietary choices and can play a significant role in demonstrating to consumers that good, tasty food can be planet-friendly, and vice-versa.
So we were inspired to see the restaurant industry putting its best fork forward at the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s Food Made Good awards this week. From the Roebuck’s Less Meat burger made with 30% mushroom (which cuts its carbon emissions by the equivalent of driving a car halfway around the world), to the restaurants recycling heat generated from pizza ovens to keep customers warm, we loved hearing about all the game-changing initiatives to move towards a more sustainable food industry. Special mention goes to the ’Donor’ kebab – made from duck offal, liver and heart that would otherwise go to waste – served with a side order of organ donor registration forms at Where the Light Gets In in Stockport.
With Christmas around the corner, check out the SRA’s membership list to find a place where you won’t feel guilty diving into yet another turkey dinner…