12 February, 2021
Being a B Corp already means something in the world of business. It’s created a dynamic network of like-minded, responsible businesses that can share knowledge and help each other to make the world a better place. But for B Corp certification to really do its job, this meaning needs to be understood by consumers to unlock its full potential.
Many of us are familiar with eco labels, like recycling symbols and the Fairtrade logo. But fewer know about B Corps. Enter: Ocado. With a simple update to their website, their new ‘shop by B Corp certification’ feature makes it unbelievably easy for customers to filter their search for ethical products.
Not only does Ocado’s new function show just how many B Corp brands are out there, it also gives consumers confidence in many of the products they already know and love. With 68% of UK consumers being unable to name an environmentally friendly brand, this is a quick fix to educate shoppers, while they shop in their usual way.
According to 48% of us, convenience trumps sustainability, despite us also saying we believe we should consider the environment more when shopping. Ocado’s solution is a win-win: B Corp brands get more exposure, and ethically-minded shoppers don’t have to do the leg-work of searching for themselves. This will, no doubt, increase the uptake of B Corp brands and put this certification on the map. We’re looking forward to seeing what else Ocado has up its sleeve.
By Cara McEvoy