On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

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The Good(s): Bugging out

28 July, 2023

Imagine a world without the gentle buzz of bees pollinating flowers, the mesmerising glow of fireflies on warm summer nights, and the rhythmic chirping of crickets in the evening. This could become a reality if we don’t address the alarming decline of insect populations on our planet.

A recent article in Sustainable Review highlights the distressing truth – insect populations are plummeting at an alarming rate. Human activities such as habitat destruction, pesticide use, climate change, and pollution are taking a heavy toll on these tiny yet crucial creatures. The consequences of this decline are far-reaching, affecting ecosystems, food chains, and ultimately, human survival.

Insects play a fundamental role in maintaining ecological balance. They pollinate plants, ensuring the reproduction of countless species, including many fruits and vegetables we rely on. In addition, insects serve as a vital food source for various animals, acting as a linchpin in complex food webs.

Fortunately, there is a lot we can do. Having a garden or even a small balcony offers you the opportunity to create insect-friendly spaces by planting native species to provide insects with food and shelter. Turning off unnecessary lighting – both inside and outside – prevents confusion to nocturnal insect. You can also opt for low-impact lighting instead when needed.

Finally, why not explore insect-based products and solutions? Embracing insect protein and materials can significantly reduce our ecological footprint. Paradoxically, eating insects might save them. Un-bee-lievable but it could be the ants-er we need.

By Flora Gicquel

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