Bringing COP28 to you
1 December, 2023
The biggest event in the climate calendar is here: the 2023 United Nations Conference of the Parties, also known as COP28. Taking place over the next two weeks in Dubai, COP28 is the latest annual gathering of countries to assess progress in dealing with climate change, set targets for reducing global emissions, and negotiate agreements to limit global temperature rise and mitigate its impacts.
COP is first and foremost about government negotiations, but it is also an opportunity for NGOs, businesses, research institutions, and civil society to discuss and debate pressing climate topics. Organisations attending COP host side events to showcase their work, explore solutions, and engage with a broader audience via panel discussions, workshops, networking events and more. However, , these events can often feel far removed and inaccessible if you’re not able (or don’t want) to make the journey. But there are plenty of opportunities to engage, with online events and in person events in the UK. Here’s a few we’re looking forward to.
The Conduit in London will be hosting a COP Corner, for people to come and learn, debate and network, as well as tune into some of the events they are hosting in Dubai. Head to their dedicated COP28 page to find out more about the events and sign up.
With agriculture and food a big topic on the agenda this year for the first time, we’re particularly interested in the events being hosted by the FAIRR initiative, covering a range of topics around the transformation of food systems, which you can access online here.
To coincide with Built Environment Day, the UK Green Buildings Council will be hosting a webinar on 6th December to take stock of progress since the launch of the UK Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap two years ago, along with a series of other events in the UK and online. You can register for these events here.
We’d like to see more COP-related events being held outside of the host country to help those not attending in person to feel more connected to the conversations. If you’re hosting an event for COP28 and would like to get the word out, let us know. We’d love share it with our network.
By Lucy Bell