To Party or Not to Party
10 December, 2021
Tis’ the season for merrymaking. Normally we would be dining out and dusting off our dancing shoes. But Omicron has put a variant spanner in Christmas socialising.
Unlike last year, going to parties, pubs and restaurants is not banned (yet), although the decision about whether or not to do so isn’t straightforward.
We are not going to try and solve the dilemma here. However, we do want to acknowledge the fundamental importance of the hard-hit hospitality sector to the economy, to food producers, to our culture and to communities, and how we might try to support it, safely and responsibly.
The hospitality industry has not always had the best of reputations for prioritising sustainability. This, however, is changing in response to consumer expectations, government policies, and competitors’ actions. But it needs to move much faster to keep up with the pace of sustainable offerings that people are seeking and getting in other sectors.
So if you do decide to venture out, why not make it sustainable? The food we eat accounts for 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions, which means where we choose to eat out matters. To find a restaurant that is doing the right things, check out restaurants that are part of the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s Food Made Good programme before you make a booking.
If you want to find out more, you can hear Good Business CEO Giles talk about the future of ethical hospitality, alongside the co-founder of Dishoom, the UK Strategy Director of Nando’s, and an award-winning chef.
By Alice Railton