On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

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Why have a textbook when you can have a (toy) car?

21 April, 2023

Let’s face it, with attention grabbing digital services like TikTok dominating the world, getting children to sit down and study is a problem faced by many households. Science specifically can be seen as boring or not cool when compared to the latest trends and challenges. That’s where Team Repair come in.  

Team Repair is a subscription-based toy service that sends kids a broken toy to fix every month. From remote control cars to mini game consoles, the service aims to educate kids on STEM and handiness in a fun and engaging way. By tinkering with the item, they not only get the satisfaction of fixing something, but they are also able to play with the finished product whilst learning along the way. This encourages them to repair broken items first before discarding them, tackling our generations use-once culture. The accompanying app facilitates learning by sneaking in explanations of various parts based on the UK’s curriculum, that way they learn science without even realising! 

Team repair doesn’t just preach about repairing rather than wasting but they practice it too. The gadgets used in the boxes are saved from landfill sites and once the child has built the toy and is done playing with it, it is sent back to the team who rebreak it for the next child to fix. By doing this they have become the first zero waste STEM subscription service as every gadget and box is continuously reused until the end of its life. 

Find out more and purchase a box at Team Repair 

By Jeremiah Akpabio


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