On the Road to Net Zero Certified B Corporation

Our thinking

We regularly share our latest thinking on emerging topics and ideas in the worlds of business, society and the environment, along with our weekly sustainability digest, Friday 5.

Wash, cut and save the planet

17 February, 2023

You’ve probably thought about the carbon footprint of your diet, your home and even your holidays. But one thing you might not have considered is the climate impact of your hair – specifically, the time you spend in the salon having it tended to. But while you might not have, our friends at Net Zero Now (NZN) certainly have.

Together with corporate partner L’Oréal, NZN has just announced the launch of its Net Zero Salons Programme to guide salons through the process of calculating, tracking and reducing carbon emissions. According to NZN the average salon visit produces 3.1kg of greenhouse gas emissions – a figure they hope to reduce to just 2kg by helping salons transition to renewable energy, improve waste treatment and encourage employees to travel more sustainably, among other actions.

The Net Zero Salons Programme adds to NZN’s growing portfolio of sector-specific guidance available for SMEs wanting to take climate action, which includes resources for pubs and bars, restaurants, breweries, accountants and legal firms. We’ve stressed the importance of these kinds of resources before but can’t emphasise enough how imperative it is that SMEs – which account for 99% of businesses in the UK – be supported with a credible and robust path to a net zero future.

NZN is always looking for partners to help expand its reach to new industries, so if you would like to learn more or think you can help, do get in touch. In the meantime, we’ll look forward to knowing that the next time we go for a trim, it’ll be more than just hair that salons are cutting.

By Louise Podmore

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